The Colangelo's Are Confirmed Snakes And Wanted Brett Brown Replaced With Mike D'Antoni And Later Jay Wright

And the hits keep on coming. Not that this is a big surprise. There have been rumors of the Colangelo’s wanting Brett Brown out from the jump. Because why get behind a lovable, popular coach who has an insurmountable amount of experience from the perennial force that is Pop and the Spurs when you can insert your own crew and start another dynasty in NBA purgatory? Exactly.

Jay Wright is simply the hot name on the streets, and Mike D’Antoni has had a career resurgence in Houston. But, come on, guys. There was no reason to get rid of Brett Brown at that, or any time, other than thinking you’re the smartest fucks on Earth – Which is GREAT if the Colangelo’s combined were in fact a Theo Epstein, Danny Ainge, or Howie/Joe Douglas love child. But they aren’t. Not even close. The more concerning issue is this confirms Josh Harris and Scott O’Neill also wanted to at least somewhat do away with The Process when it wasn’t even close to complete. Whether their hands were forced by Adam Silver because Hinkie was embarrassing the NBA (HA!) factors in, but the Sixers top dogs at least went with the plan. Putting Brett Brown as the face right now is a great thing, but obviously he won’t be able to maintain that role as interim GM. Here’s to hoping the Sixers brass ditches the NBA nepotism game and bring in someone who is actually right for this team…so of course one of the first names I hear thrown out there this morning is Billy motherfucking King. OF COURSE. That guy already had his chance in the ’90’s with the Sixers where he attempted to make the likes of Derrick Coleman and Scott Williams kings. Sure, he was in charge during the Sixers championship attempt, but everyone saw his flaws. At least King’s time with the Nets proved to be somehow even more useless. A quick description of his GM tenure with the NJ/Brooklyn franchise shows this:

As GM of the Nets, King’s legacy in the NBA was hurt by a series of oft-criticized trades that were deemed among the “worst in league history”.

Never again, please. Never again. Find someone who is right to Complete The Process. When asked about Sam Hinkie, Josh Harris…didn’t say no?!?!?!? Hey, so you’re saying there’s a chance.

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